
What is Negativity Bias & Five Helpful Steps to Conquer It

What is Negativity Bias & Five Helpful Steps to Conquer It

Negativity bias, or positive-negative asymmetry, is why a snide comment from a co-worker is at the forefront of your mind even though your workday went quite well, overall. Here’s how to shake off this pessimistic disposition.

Cognitive Reframing in the Workplace

Cognitive Reframing in the Workplace

From reading an unnerving client email to dealing with an unruly employee, sometimes it’s as if you’re stuck under a cloud. However, there’s always a way to to find that elusive silver lining by shifting your perspective, even if just slightly. That’s the power of cognitive reframing.

How To Use Mindfulness To Master Failures

How To Use Mindfulness To Master Failures

For some of us, failure leaves a lasting impression on our psyche. However, by incorporating mindfulness strategies into your routine, you’ll be better equipped to control your self-doubt, and quite possibly position yourself for higher rates of success.